Saturday, 23 February 2013

Afternoon Tea

A couple of weeks before leaving for France, I remember having a conversation with one of my co-workers at McNally Robinson. He'd just returned to Canada after having spent something around a decade teaching at a university in Poland. He said that one of the things that was hardest for him, in the course of re-adapting to life in Canada, was the change in pace. "You're going to find that life moves a lot slower over there," he said.

I've found this to be true in some ways, but not necessarily true in others. For example, it's unbelievable to me that we've been away from Canada for almost a month now. The time just seems to have dissipated, and five months isn't seeming as long now as it was before we left.

To a large extent, it would seem obvious that life is slower for me: no school, no work, doing things more or less at my own pace, on my own time. But one example of taking a little extra time to enjoy the day-to-day, now that we've gotten more or less settled in, is afternoon tea. We've been sitting down after lunch to enjoy afternoon tea almost every day, made possible by the fact that two days of the school week Lauren's home by 12:30, and a third day she doesn't have class until 2, which leaves us with plenty of time.

It's been a small daily routine or tradition that we've developed, and something that I really profoundly enjoy. Some days we sit and get on an interesting topic of conversation and can chat away an hour or more, while some days there isn't as much to say, and we can enjoy sitting in silence and sipping the tea and just sort of savouring the moment. I've found it to be a really nice way to gather my thoughts and remember to relax, and to enjoy the place we're (so lucky to be) in.

 Lauren likes afternoon tea because it gives her time to stop and smell the roses:

Brock gets very (inappropriately?) excited about afternoon tea:

As an interesting aside, we've sampled a small variety of cheap teas from the grocery store: royal breakfast, earl grey, and green tea (with "natural" flavour...). As of yet we've been unable to find any "plain" black tea, ie. red rose/orange pekoe. Not fancy enough for France, I suppose. There have been a couple of specialty tea and coffee shops with some really exotic looking options, though we haven't really experimented with these because of the equally exotic prices. And without a teapot or a kettle, we've been boiling water in a pot on the stove. Ah, afternoon tea...

Till next time,


  1. That sounds like an excellent habit.
    Thanks for posting and keeping us up to date!

  2. Fascinating blog--the semiotics of afternoon tea...meaning making through tool use and a domestic act makes me think of Wittgenstein and Jan Zwicky.....

    "Domesticity reveals itself in respect rather than obsession. It also reveals itself in compassion, especially compassion toward the self" (Zwicky, 2011, p. 139L).

    "The capacity for tool-use determines rhythms that are as 'natural' a part of human lives as the spinning of spiral orb webs is of the lives of barn spiders, or the weaving of pouch nests is of the lives of Baltimore orioles" (p. 141L).

    "Domesticity, itself a natural order, accomodates the natural order of other beings. The other is other--but it is also that with which we are inextricably intertwined. To cultivate domesticity is to become rooted in one's own ineluctably technological being, while at the same time to accept that there are other modes of being and no apparent normative order among these modes" (p. 146L).

    Thank you for inspiring thinking. Beryl

  3. Hey Brock and Lauren!

    It pleases me greatly to see that you're taking time to have a "Taste of Tea" (sorry, couldn't help it.). But seriously, taking time out of your day to just relax and talk over tea is a wonderful way to spend the time. It sounds like you're having a great time.

    By the way, Brock, while I was at the U of M Archives I picked up a brochure for something called "Rare Book School". It's essentially "Five-day, intensive courses on manuscript, printed & born-diital materials". The one downside: they're all in the States. That being said, the courses all look fascinating, so if you still like book-binding I'd take a look at their website ( In case you have some summer left, or fall, there are five July, August, October and November options:
    July 8-12 in Charlottesville, Virginia; July 22-26 in Charlottesville, Virginia; July 22-26 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (this one is just one class for five days: "Books in Print & Manuscript"); July 29-August 2 in Charlottesville, Virginia; October 28-November 1 in Washington, DC.

    Just something to think about. Maybe not this year, but it certainly sounds like fun.

  4. I just noticed a typo. It should read "born-digital." If you're interested in the specific courses the other days offer just let me know.

  5. Oh, and for the October-November classes, it's just two, "Advanced Rare Book Cataloging" and "Hokusai & Book Illustrations". Every other day has about 4-5 different classes. Just FYI.

  6. Thanks sista I'll definitely check out their website! Sounds really interesting. You should take all the classes!
