Sorry it's been awhile, somehow the last week and a half has slipped by oh so stealthily. Which is more than I can say for myself; as it turns out, there is more to jazz dance than spirit fingers and fedoras. More, as in more beats than I can count, more battements and elevés than I can do, and more stiffness and calf-pain than I have ever experienced. Hélas, graceful as a swan I am not. Lurching around like a hobbled billy goat is underrated.
(looking up synonyms for the word 'lurch' turned up this list: blunder, bumble, careen, dodge, duck, falter, flounder, heave, jerk, lean, list, move to the side, pitch, reel, rock, roll, seesaw, slide, slip, stagger, stumble, sway, swing, teeter,tilt, toss, totter, wallow, weave, wobble, and yaw, most of which are fairly accurate descriptors of the way I'm moving around right now)
Anyways. I have a few more pictures of beautiful Avignon to show you guys, mostly of the Palace of the Pope from across the Rhȏne river.
Happy reading week to those busy reading, rest assured that we're keeping it Riel in our new Provence.
Gorgoeus photos--hard to believe they're even riel! I love the title of your blog entry--but I can't imagine Lauren ever lurching! Beryl